A total of 15 Farmers Cooperatives and Associations (FCAs) conveyed their interest in adopting the crop establishment technologies under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) Mechanization Program after witnessing firsthand its demonstration held on January 31 at PHilMech, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija.
These FCAs were already beneficiaries of the program but did not avail of any of the crop establishment technologies. After attending the advocacy campaign activity last November 18, they signed up for the technology demonstration which is phase two of the program.
The project on crop establishment systems aims to increase the adoption and utilization rate of crop establishment technologies among the beneficiaries of the RCEF Mechanization Program.
During the demonstration, PHilMech showcased the different planting settings of the walk-behind mechanical transplanter and the riding-type mechanical transplanter with 30cm by 16cm and 30cm by 20cm.
Exactly 100% of the participants signed up to avail, undergo training and adopt the technology on the next cropping season.
Farmers also expressed excitement and gratitude to PHilMech and the RCEF program for this initiative. (FB DA-PHilMech)