PBBM inaugurates RPS II in Ilocos Norte

President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. led the inauguration of the Php 64.6 million Rice Processing System II facility granted under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) Mechanization Program to the Piddig Basi Multipurpose Cooperative (PBMC) in Piddig, Ilocos Norte on July 19, 2024.

In his keynote speech, he highlighted the direct benefits of the RPS to the farmers of Piddig and how this can improve the value chain not just of the municipality, but the province.

“This rice processing facility is one of the most important aspects in the value chain. Kung wala ito, unang-una ang drying natin nandun na naman sa mga kalsada o sa kung saan saan at nasisira lang yung ating mga ani. Nung wala pa ito (RPS), magpapadala pa tayo ng palay natin hanggang sa Bulacan at doon gigilingin. Sinong kikita ngayon sa processing, yung may ari ng rice mill hindi yung farmer,” President Marcos said.

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