Thirty-two rice farmers from different barangays of Patnongon, Antique convened at the Municipal Hall on May 10, 2024 for the half-day discussion about recommended rice production.

Most of the participants were farmer leaders for easy dissemination of the knowledge gained from the discussion.

Ms. Lucia Bacruya, 54, who’s been exposed to farming activities since she was 14 years old said that the activity served as a refresher of their training decades ago. Through this KSL, her knowledge on pest and disease identification and management was enhanced. She assured to share her learnings to fellow farmers.

This KSL is also a venue for farmers to exchange effective farming ideas with their fellow farmers aided by the resource speaker, Ms. Ruby Pearl Quemado, a rice specialist from DA-LGU Patnongon. (FB, DA-PhilRice Negros, May 12, 2024)