Twenty-two (22) participants of different Farmers Cooperative and Associations (FCAs) from 1st and 2nd District of Iloilo graduated after the five-day training course on operation and maintenance of rice machinery from May 30 to June 3, 2022. The participants were the 2021 allocation recipients.
Lectures about Rice Tariffication Law (RA 11203), DA-PHilMech rice mechanization, and farm machinery operation and safety were conducted. These provide practical guidance on farm health and safety and farm practices to help reduce the risk of injuries and fatalities.
The participants went through hands-on operation of four-wheel tractor, riding and walk-behind transplanter, rice reaper and combine harvester. Seedling preparation using manual seeder with seedling trays, mechanical seed sowing machine, and double mulching technique were also executed. (DA-PhilMech, FB)