Quirino province receive multi-million machinery grant

Qualified Farmer’s Cooperatives and Associations (FCAs) in Quirino province received Php41M worth of machinery grant under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) Mechanization Program during the turn-over ceremony held this morning at the Quirino State University, Cabarroguis, Quirino. PHilMech Director Baldwin G. Jallorina graced the ceremony and challenged the farmers to take care of the continue reading : Quirino province receive multi-million machinery grant

RCEF Extension Continues in Cagayan Valley with Harmonization, Info Dissemination Efforts

Original Article from RCEF Extension Continues in Cagayan Valley with Harmonization, Info Dissemination Efforts | Agricultural Training Institute | Home of the Philippine e-Extension (da.gov.ph) Posted: Friday, 06/26/2020 – 1:16 pm SAN MATEO, Isabela—To improve its extension services for rice farmers in Cagayan Valley, the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center II (ATI-RTC II) initiated an continue reading : RCEF Extension Continues in Cagayan Valley with Harmonization, Info Dissemination Efforts

RCEF-Seed benefits R-2 rice farmers

Source : Daily Tribune (https://tribune.net.ph/) Article by : Jun Yap Article Date : November 29, 2020 The Seed Program under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) started benefitting more than 100,000 rice farmers in Region 2 and Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) who were affected by agricultural damage brought about by the recent typhoons. Andres L. continue reading : RCEF-Seed benefits R-2 rice farmers

PHilMech hands-on training courses continue despite the pandemic

After the nationwide completion of the first part of the (online) training course on the operation and maintenance of rice machinery for the farmers’ cooperatives and associations (FCAs) under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Mechanization Program (RCEF-MP), PHilMech continues with the second phase—the hands-on exercises—despite the pandemic. The Technology Management and Training Division (TMTD) has conducted continue reading : PHilMech hands-on training courses continue despite the pandemic