PHilMech, CDA forge partnership a new under RCEF Mechanization Program

The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech) and the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) aims to enhance the entrepreneurial capabilities of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) Mechanization Program beneficiaries. Through the project, both agencies will conduct capability enhancement activities such as training and/or learning sessions for the Farmers’ continue reading : PHilMech, CDA forge partnership a new under RCEF Mechanization Program

FCAs from different municipalities in Bulacan joined the upskill training

Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Rice Extension Service Program (RCEF-RESP) conduct Training on the Operation and Maintenance of Rice Machinery in Hacienda Galea, Baliwag, Bulacan. Fifteen (15) participating farmers cooperative and associations (FCAs) from different municipalities in the province of Bulacan joined the upskill training to improve their rice farming practices under Philippine Center for Postharvest Development continue reading : FCAs from different municipalities in Bulacan joined the upskill training

RCEF-RESP Training Course on the Operation and Maintenance of Rice Machinery in Bulacan

Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Rice Extension Service Program (RCEF-RESP) Training Course on the Operation and Maintenance of Rice Machinery in Bulacan. Participants were trained on seedling preparation using tray and double mulching technique; and operation of riding-type transplanter, combine harvester, and four-wheel tractor. This component of RCEF Mechanization Program with Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and continue reading : RCEF-RESP Training Course on the Operation and Maintenance of Rice Machinery in Bulacan

Agency pushes devt of local farm machines

THE Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech) is gradually pushing for the development of the country’s farm machine industry amid the country’s agriculture sector accelerating its adoption of mechanization through the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF)-Mechanization Program. PHilMech Executive Director Dr. Dionisio Alvindia said the country cannot rely solely on imported farm machines, and there is a need to continue reading : Agency pushes devt of local farm machines

PHilMech establishes 22 info-hubs among FCAs under RCEF

The Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech) has established 22 info-hubs among the different model farmers’ cooperatives and associations (FCAs) who are beneficiaries of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) Mechanization Program. The establishment of info-hubs is a convergence communication intervention project of the Rice Extension Services Program (RESP)1 of RCEF implemented by continue reading : PHilMech establishes 22 info-hubs among FCAs under RCEF

Nueva Ecija FCAs received P142.5 M machineries from RCEF 

A total of P142.5 million-worth of farm machineries were distributed among 71 farmers cooperatives and associations (FCAs) in Nueva Ecija under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund’s (RCEF) Mechanization Program of Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech) on May 6, 2022. The RCEF, made possible through the implementation of the Rice Tarrification Law (RTL), continue reading : Nueva Ecija FCAs received P142.5 M machineries from RCEF