“Despite being one of the youngest branch station, the DA-PhilRice Bicol managed to deliver targets with outstanding performance and excellent public service from Research and Development, Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) – Seed & Extension Program, Administrative Services, and other station initiatives” Dr. Victoria C. Lapitan, branch director, said.
She also added that the passion, dedication, and commitment of PhilRice Staff and its partners are the key to station’s success that even strong typhoons cannot destruct.
Dr. Jimmy P. Quilang, Deputy Executive Director for Research was also present in this celebration of milestone and expressed warmest congratulations to Bicol Station for its exemplary public service and dedication in transforming the lives of rice farming communities through research, development, and extension.
Outstanding staff and divisions were also honored for their steadfast service and unwavering commitment to DA-PhilRice Bicol. (FB, DA-PhilRice Bicol)