DA-PhilRice Isabela had a two-day Mid-Year Review on June 4-5, 2024 to assess and address accomplishments, plans, and challenges encountered for the first half of the year.

The first day was devoted for the milestones and plans of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) Unit, Business Development Unit (BDU), and General Administrative Support and Services (GASS) Unit.

RCEF reviewed their progress on seed delivery, technology demonstrations, and trainings and extension. BDU reported on their seed production, allocation and utilization of produced seeds, income, income generating ventures for 2nd semester, warehouse construction, challenges encountered, and ways forward. Meanwhile, the GASS Units presented the station’s financial, cash, procurement and property management, human resources, physical plant, and records management status.

The second day started with IEC materials spread out on the floor. Each staff was asked to pick a material to use to introduce themselves. Afterwhich, key staffers of the Research and Development sector discussed their accomplishments with Dr. Helen C. Ramos from Isabela State University-Echague Campus, and Dr. Eduardo Jimmy P. Quilang, Deputy Executive Director for Research serving as panelists.

Presented were five branch research and development initiatives, four program-based projects, and eight CES-based projects and studies. The panelists offered constructive feedback on the research and development work, suggested improvements and highlighted their strengths. They reviewed the progress of ongoing projects vis-a-vis their protocols and timelines to ensure that they are on track to achieve their outputs.

The conduct of Mid-Year Review served as a venue to further improve the delivery of services and help realize the Institute’s mandate of providing efficient and effective services for better rice communities. (FB, DA-PhilRice Isabela, June 10, 2024)