on Agri-Entrepreneurship and Learning Journey to RCEF Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA)
More than contributing to the country’s goal of achieving food security, the certified LSAs have become one of ATI’s main partners in the delivery of extension interventions. The Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center IX (ATI-RTC IX), as the lead agency in the implementation of Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Rice Extension Services Program (RCEF-RESP), conducted the Training on Agripreneurship and Learning Journey to RCEF LSAs last March 4-5, 2024.
The activity served as an opportunity to discuss the Entrepreneuship side in the agriculture, Rice-Based Farming System, properly model and showcase applicable AF-related technologies and agri-products/by products processing technologies of some RCEF LSAs, and assist in the capacitation of small farmers and other rural community members in their localities. (FB, ATI in Zamboanga Peninsula, March 6, 2024)