A total of Php44M worth of various agricultural machinery under the RCEF Mechanization Program were distributed to qualified rice-based Farmers’ Cooperatives and Associations (FCAs) in the province of Albay during the turn-over ceremony held in AFB Village, Camalig Albay on October 19.

Department of Agriculture Secretary William D. Dar graced the ceremony and led in the turn-over of 73 units of machines to 27 qualified FCAs in the province. Around 4,212 members are expected to benefit from these machines.

Distributed machinery include Four Wheel Tractor, Hand Tractor, Floating Tiller, PTO Driven Disc Plow/Harrow, Walk-behind Type Rice Transplanter, Rice Reaper, Rice Combine Harvester, Rice Thresher, Flat Bed Dryer, Recirculating Dryer, and Single Pass Rice Mill.

These were procured under the 2021 funds and the 2019 excess funds from the competitive bidding.

Around 14 rice-producing municipalities are covered in the program. These include Malinao, Malilipot, Libon, Ligao City, Sto. Domingo, Tabaco, Tiwi, Camalig, Legaspi City, Manito, Guinobatan, Oas, Pio Duran, and Polangui.

Article by Jett Molech G. Subaba

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